Friday 13 April 2007

Apple Jacks

My mother, Linda, sent the Clare-Panton Family an Easter Box. This box was dispatched on 22 March from just outside Denver, Colorado, one would think in plenty of time to met the Easter Weekend celebrations. You would be wrong.

The box arrived Wednesday. The children thought Easter had come again. The box contained my favourite Easter treats, Peeps. Lucky for me, the children tried them and didn't like them. More for me! In addition to more chocolate, Sebastian got some shirts and Abigail got a beautiful dress (with a matching dress for her dolly). Marc got a box of Apple Jacks. If you are unfamiliar with the breakfast cereal, just suffice to say, Marc loves it! And you can't get it here in the UK. When we visit the USA, we inevitably bring a box or 2 back with us. Until now, the children have been blissfully unaware of the tastiness of this cereal. Marc is finding he is now having to share. Seb in particular is loving the cereal. Marc is not happy.

Seb also got a Power Rangers figure, which in his words is "wicked". Abigail received a Dora the Explorer doll which she won't release from her grasp. She even wanted to take it into the bath tub with her. Difficult to explain why Dora didn't need a bath but she did.

Thanks Mom, for thinking about us!

1 comment:

Janell said...

Happy Easter again!